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Thursday, July 28, 2011

CBSE Class 7 Science Sample Test Paper From Chapter 2 – Nutrition In Animals

M.M: 76 marks                                                   Dated: 28/07/2011
Time: 1 hour 15 minutes                                                                   
Q 1:  Fill in the blanks      (1 mark each question x = 30 = 30 marks)
  1. The breakdown of complex components of food into simpler substances is called _____________.
  2. ______ ______ are the first set of teeth that grows during infancy and fall off at the age of between six to eight years.
  3. The process of taking food into the body is called ________.
  4. Starfish feeds on animals covered by hand shells of ___________  _______________
  5. The food passes through a continuous canal which begins at ________  _______ and ends at the _________.
  6. The digestive tract and the associated glands together constitute the _________ ___________.
  7. In human body, the ___________ breaks down the starch into sugars.
  8. ________ ________ is a special long thread that is moved between two teeth to take out trapped food particles.
  9. The _______ carries air from the nostrils to the lungs.
  10. ___________ is a thick walled bag, shaped like flattened U and is the widest part of the alimentary canal.
  11. The _________ protects the lining of the stomach.
  12. The _______ kills many bacteria that enter along with the food and makes the medium in the stomach acidic and helps digestive juices to act.
  13. The digestive juices break down the ____________ into simpler substances.
  14. The process of removal of faecal matter through the anus of human body is called __________.
  15. The ______ ____________ is highly coiled and is about 7.5m long.
  16. _________ secretes bile juice that is stored in a sac called the gall bladder.
  17. The ______ plays an important role in the digestion of fats.
  18. The _______ juice acts on carbohydrates, fats and proteins and changes them into simpler substances.
  19. The inner walls of the small intestine have thousands of finger-like outgrowths called ________.
  20. ____________ is the process in which the absorbed substances are transported via the blood vessels to different organs of the body.
  21. Grass eating animals quickly swallow the grass and store in a part of the stomach called _________.
  22. ORS stands for __________ __________ ____________.
  23. The salivary glands secrete a watery liquid called ______________.
  24. The food coming from the mouth is pushed down by alternate contraction and relaxations of muscles in Oesophagus, this process is called ___________.
  25. A long tube of 8 to 9 m length running from mouth to anus is called ____________ __________.
  26. The __________ runs adjacent to the food pipe in the body.
  27. The ________ teeth are for piercing and tearing the food.
  28. The white hard outer covering of tooth is called __________.
  29. The part of tooth below the enamel is called _________
  30. The total number of teeth in an adult is _______.
Q 2: Define nutrition. Write the names of five processes involved in nutrition in human body.                                                        (3 marks)
Q 3: From front to back, write the number of teeth and their names present in the lower jaw of human adult.                              (4 marks)
Q 4: What is the name of the second set of teeth that may last throughout or fall off during old age or due to some dental disease?   (1 mark)
Q 5: Write the names of parts that together form the digestive tract.  (3 marks)
Q 6: Write two functions of tongue in human body.             (2 marks)
Q 7: What do you understand by tooth decay? Write four major culprits of tooth decay.                                                          (3 marks)
Q 8: Which is the largest gland in human body? What is its colour?   (2 marks)
Q 9: Define absorption. Where does it happen?                    (2 marks)
Q 10: What is role of villi in intestine in human body?          (1 mark)
Q 11: In small intestine, the intestinal juice breaks the following in to what:                                                                                       (3 marks)
  1. Carbohydrate
  2. Fats
  3. Proteins
Q 12: Between large intestine and small intestine, which is 
           i). wider?                                                                                              ii). lengthier?                                                                 (2 marks)
Q 13: What is the function of large intestine in human body?  
(1 mark)
Q 14: What happens during breakdown of glucose? What are the end products?                                                                               (2 marks)
Q 15: What is a symptom of diarrhoea? Write one cause of it. Can diarrhoea be neglected completely? Why or why not?          (4 marks)
Q 16: With the help of a labelled diagram, explain how feeding of food, digestion and throwing out happens in Amoeba?         (5 marks)
Q 17: Write True or False. In case of false statement, write the correct statement.                                             (1 mark x 7 = 7 marks)
  1. The basic process of digestion of food and release of energy is completely different in all animals - __________
  2. Pseudopodia means real feet - __________
  3. Formation of faeces happens in small intestine ___________
  4. Killing of bacteria in human body happens in liver - ________
  5. Release of faeces is done by Rectum - _________
  6. Amoeba has a fixed shape - ___________
  7. Undigested and unabsorbed food is expelled out of the body as faeces by large intestine - __________
Q 18: How many taste buds are there in human tongue? Name them. (2 marks)